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rgb(116,116,116) 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: rgb(116,116,116) 1px solid" vAlign=top width="70%" bgColor=#000000> <DIV style="MARGIN-LEFT: 30px"> <CENTER><IMG alt=image src="UFO%20Reports%202008,UFO%20Casebook_archivos/latestsightingreports2.png"> <P><FONT color=#ffffff size=2><B>(last update, 12-20-08) </B></FONT> <P> <DIV style="MARGIN-LEFT: 20px"><!__________!> <CENTER> <P> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7518747415195612"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_ad_channel = ""; google_color_border = "000000"; google_color_bg = "000000"; google_color_link = "FFFF33"; google_color_text = "99FF99"; google_color_url = "FF6699"; //--> </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src="UFO%20Reports%202008,UFO%20Casebook_archivos/show_ads.js" type=text/javascript> </SCRIPT> </P></DIV> <P>See Great Britain UFO sighting reports from our friends at <A href="http://www.granthamjournal.co.uk/ufo">Grantham Today, UFO Sightings</A> <P> <CENTER> <TABLE cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=4 width=740 border=0> <TBODY> <TR bgColor=#333333 colspan="1"> <TD> <CENTER><FONT color=#ffffff size=3><B>Florida-Black Object Seen from Airplane</B> </FONT></CENTER></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=black width='colspan="1"'> <TD> <DIV align=left><FONT color=white size=3>12-15-08-I was on Continental flight 1500 out of Ft Lauderdale enroute to Newark, NJ, at 4:30. I observed a very black dot against the white clouds out the right side of the aircraft. I estimated several miles away - visibility was good 35000 ft. <P>It seemed like a smoke cloud getting slowly larger, and then looked like the shape of a long triangle sitting still, then flattened out, and looked like a line of black going opposite our direction. <P>I tried some digital pictures but only got a fuzzy black line. I thought possibly military? But I have never seen the very black trail before. <P>We were above the clouds, probably not seen from the ground / ocean. I did speak to the pilot, who stated he did not see it. I am curious as to what it was or if anyone else saw it. source: www.mufon.com </P></FONT></DIV></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=#333333 colspan="1"> <TD> <CENTER><FONT color=#ffffff size=3><B>Georgia-Three Amber Lights</B> </FONT></CENTER></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=black width='colspan="1"'> <TD> <DIV align=left><FONT color=white size=3>12-17-08-My husband and I were sitting in our spa last nite, he was in the seat facing the sky. He saw 3 red lights, with the larger one larger hovering. He knew there were training exercises being conducted that night, so he didn't mention the lights at first. <P>He went in the house, and I took his seat. I saw 3 amber colored lights flying oddly (like hovering), one larger than the other. Then there appeared other objects in the sky that resembled flickering stars, flying and darting in the sky. I told my husband, and he stated again that he thought it was a military exercise. <P>I continued to watch, seeing star-like things racing across the sky. Then I heard coming from the direction of our airport that sounded like a large airplane. I looked in the diredtion of the noise and saw what resembled a row of stars flickering on and off following one another. <P>I called the police department and they did not know anything, I called the number in the newspaper that reported the exercise, and they said the training was over long ago. I also called Fort Gordon, and they still haven't returned my call. source: www.mufon.com </P></FONT></DIV></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=#333333 colspan="1"> <TD> <CENTER><FONT color=#ffffff size=3><B>Indiana-Stationary Object</B> </FONT></CENTER></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=black width='colspan="1"'> <TD> <DIV align=left><FONT color=white size=3>12-17-08-At approximately 6:47 PM (CST) traveling south on Liable Road in Highland, Indiana, in the western sky, an object passed beneath a small aircraft and proceeded on a western heading. At 6:53 object stopped, and remained stationary for approximately 35 minutes of active observation. I videotaped over seven minutes of this. <P>At 7:50 PM, observer returned outside to check sky, and object had disappeared from view. It was cloudy in the west and object was only thing in the sky. It never dipped below horizon, and maintained stationary position above tree line. I lost sight of object after camera ran out of battery. source: www.mufon.com </P></FONT></DIV></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=#333333 colspan="1"> <TD> <CENTER><FONT color=#ffffff size=3><B>Pennsylvania-Sky Lit Up</B> </FONT></CENTER></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=black width='colspan="1"'> <TD> <DIV align=left><FONT color=white size=3>12-17-08-I was in my computer room at my house and was about to go back upstairs when the foyer lit up and I looked outside. At first it was a bright red color that lit up the sky. It was like an enormous firework had been set off. <P>At first I thought it was a fire engine, but I didn't hear any noise at all. It then switched to being blue and then to green. It lit up the sky pretty well. It was like when a flare is shot up into the sky. I could see all the houses in the neighborhood exceptionally well. <P>All this lasted only approximately 10 seconds or so, and then it stopped and the night was black again. This was at around 4:05 AM, so it was quite dark. When I first saw it happening I thought it couldn't be real. It was almost a sort of panic that ran through me. I ran up to my room and looked out the window to see if I could see or hear anything else but I couldn't. source: www.mufon.com </P></FONT></DIV></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=#333333 colspan="1"> <TD> <CENTER><FONT color=#ffffff size=3><B>Washington-Three Large Objects</B> </FONT></CENTER></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=black width='colspan="1"'> <TD> <DIV align=left><FONT color=white size=3>12-16-08-I watch the sky frequently, especially at night, so I have a pretty good feeling for the flight patterns, shapes, and sounds of the various domestic and military craft that crowd my Seattle area skies. At first glance. I thought this was an airplane, but after I watched it, I don't think it was one of ours this time, since there was a lot askew. <P>Tonight I watched three very large, bright white lights in formation hover above Lake Washington and travel very slowly northeast, which was not the prevailing flight pattern I had been watching today. While I watched with 10 x 50 binoculars, there was a red light towards the right of the craft that flashed intermittently, but I was never able to see any green light, even though the craft was relatively close, not more than 10 miles away, and I should have been seeing the front side and back if it was a plane during those 3 minutes. <P>There was no sound at all. It was almost as if the lights were flying in formation to mimic a plane, was the feeling I got. Anyway, I kept waiting for the white lights to break apart, as I've seen in videos, and while they never did during my watch, the snail pace speed and the behavior of this UFO was unlike the airplanes I have been watching and filming. <P>I also realized that I had not been able to get a good look at any of the planes tonight due to the cloud cover, while this craft was seen clearly. I have seen about five different UFOs since December of last year, but this is the first time I reported one. source: www.mufon.com </P></FONT></DIV></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=#333333 colspan="1"> <TD> <CENTER><FONT color=#ffffff size=3><B></B></FONT></CENTER></TD></TR> <TR bgColor=black width='colspan="1"'> <TD> <DIV align=left><FONT color=white size=3></FONT></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> <P> <DIV align=center> <SCRIPT type=text/javascript><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-7518747415195612"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; //2007-07-21: ufos google_ad_channel = "3113730212"; google_color_border = "3333FF"; google_color_bg = "000000"; google_color_link = "FFFF33"; google_color_text = "99FF99"; google_color_url = "FF6699"; //--> </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src="UFO%20Reports%202008,UFO%20Casebook_archivos/show_ads.js" type=text/javascript> </SCRIPT> <P> <CENTER> <CENTER><A href="http://www.ufocasebook.com/"><FONT face=Times color=white size=3 Roman New>UFO Casebook Home</FONT></A> </DIV></CENTER></CENTER></CENTER></CENTER></CENTER></DIV></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER></CENTER></BODY></HTML>